
Princess Daisy & Hiring a Social Media Agency

By Rob Sutter

You would be led to think that for every popular video game, there's not going to be a single character let out in the cold. This is typically the case but for Mario, it seems like there is a number of personalities which people seem to forget about. Princess Daisy is one of them and it's a shame because she's actually one of the more long-standing personalities in that particular universe. Maybe she'd increase visibility if she went about hiring a social media agency.

The start of Princess Daisy could be traced back to "Super Mario Land," which was released for the Game Boy. Her role was limited back then as your standard heroine to rescue but it's not like she could have stayed relegated in that role forever. In the far future after that game's release, we saw Daisy become much more of a stronger character, especially next to the dainty princess known as Peach. Daisy enjoyed sports, more than anything else, and her tomboy demeanor allowed her to be louder.

Daisy does not have a lot of big roles to her name, though, which is not something to commend. "Super Mario Land" is perhaps her only big name to list and many people claim that the game does not have a place in the main series. She has been seen in spinoff sports titles, which actually prove to be quite beneficial. She could showcase her athletic side in such titles but who's to say that she couldn't, someday, make her way into another title of high caliber?

Daisy may want to go into hiring a social media agency, provided that she has some idea of what she wants as well. It's clear that she's not your standard member of royalty, regardless of the fact that her princess attire would say otherwise. She's the kind of character to greet you with a high five before a royal welcome any day of the week. Companies along the lines of fishbat should market this personality trait, as well as a number of others, in order for her image to become greater.

What sort of game would Daisy be able to star in, though? Well, I think one of the biggest ideas to keep in mind that she shouldn't be someone who needs saving but rather the person going about saving someone else. Perhaps she would be partnered alongside Luigi, who many gamers have depicted as being her boyfriend of sorts akin to Mario and Peach. Regardless, I don't know if this is going to happen unless the hiring of a social media agency is done.

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