
Do Independent Gaming and Internet Marketing Companies Mesh?

By Rob Sutter

Video games that are independently developed are some of my most favorite. I say this because while they may not possess the same budget as other titles within the industry, the truth is that supporting these companies brings about a good feeling. You want to be able to help them with your wallet, financially aiding them so that they can continue their projects. Even though advertising for these titles may not be as high as others, which is where Internet marketing companies can come into play.

The problems that these games have do fall into the realm of gameplay. If you have played any of the titles which are independently developed, you will know that you are expected to gain a unique experience. The workers in these small companies have to be creative and it's because of that level of ingenuity that they can produce fine games to supply to the masses. As far as the experience goes, they are practically flawless and should not be looked down upon.

The problem is that these games suffer from a low level of funds, which means that publicity suffers. The reason that such titles as "Halo" and "God of War" thrive is partially due to their level of recognition, no matter how good they may be when they're running. People recognize the Master Chiefs of the world and there's no way to change that. The "Bit.Trip" titles are unique but how many people are going to cite Commander Video as one of their most treasured gaming icons?

Internet marketing companies have proven to be great when it comes to properly marketing products as well. With the multitude of services that are able to be utilized, I think it's clear that independent game developers have their sights set on the most cost-effective way to market their titles. These types of companies are not only more inexpensive in comparison to others but their level of work seems personal, as if to fit everyone's needs. These are the big strength of reputable firms like fishbat.

It's not like these developers are low on the amounts of services that can be used outside of Internet marketing companies, either. In fact, these creators can open up their own Kickstarter programs in which people can pledge certain amounts of money. These are useful because only when they reach their goals are you charged and you have the potential receive bonuses depending on how much you pledge. It shows just how passionate the small collection of indy fans can prove themselves to be.

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