
Radio Over IP In Business

By Bertha Wells

Radio over IP is already prepared for today's business world. It has been set up for the business world and not for the consumer and business world together like the standard cell phone companies. This model of communications is a bit more fool proof than what exists today for the standard cellular company. It is for this reason that the Radio over IP system works better for business than the standard cell system does.

This is often a "go to" service for many people in business. That is because with this technology you are able to spread out and service more nodes without taking the entire network down.The biggest competition or the biggest reason against using it is to just deploy a cell phone service.

When a company is starting out, especially in a wide area costs are a major concern. This being the case, a long term cellular contract can often cost a company a large berth of their funds and operating costs. Think of the cost savings if a company started using this type of system exclusively and paid for everything outright. It would be a hit at first, but a savings in the long run.

Cost is also another problem in business. The more of it you have, the less money your company can make. With this type of network the cost is all in the front. Meaning you pay for the phones up front and for the software to run the system. However you do not get poked and prodded every month for various taxes and fees like you would with a cell service regulated by the Federal Government.

When this happens you are forced to contact their people and rely on them. With RoIP you can service your own systems because chances are the system issue is only at one of your systems or nodes. These are generally easy situations to fix and it does not take down your entire phone system in the process. Essentially your push to talk system is always up.

The employees and the end-user enjoy the systems because they are not as flawed as a cell phone can sometimes be. In many cases start-ups will try to get their communications up cheaply because they would like to spend that money elsewhere. So they try to save money anywhere they can, and this offers them that opportunity.

When it comes down to doing business, communications are a way to either a way to make or break a company or can be called in to save the day. There are often situations in which big decisions need to be made right away or something needs to take place in a moments notice. No company figure head wants to be caught "with their pants down" so-to-speak because they cannot get service to their phone.

Cellular companies cannot offer instant communications because of the way their cell towers are set up and how the signal works. But with the Radio over IP system and how it uses the Internet and an already established infrastructure, your communications will always be fast and instant. No more waiting for your call to go through.

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