
3 Strategies for Eliminating Writing Mistakes

By Colby Urban

Most blog readers will cut you some slack when they spot a writing mistake, but once done they'll become more critical as they read.

It's a fact that if your blog contains significant writing mistakes in quality and number, then your blog is doomed. We won't even talk about grammar and spelling because they're a given that there will be no problems there. High quality content and high performing business blogs must have exceptional content. Giving your readers the kind of high quality they're looking for is the other important piece of the puzzle.

Writing for the internet isn't that different from print media in some ways, so it's a good idea to address the questions that old fashioned journalists try to answer with every article. You're objective with each blog post should be to address the what, where, why, who, how and when of whatever topic you're covering. Then you have to package those facts in a readable and enjoyable format. Whatever you're writing about, you want to do it in a way that's professional and interesting. How well you do it is another story but it's worth practicing and using. Even as you try your best to answer these questions, keep in mind that it's a blog and that internet readers are accustomed to a casual format and style. Don't try to take on anyone else's style, as you should use one that comes naturally to you.

Create an outline for anything you want to write because that is like the glue that holds it all together. This all becomes much more important if your writing skills are lacking. If you're not sure about how to create the outline, just Google it and learn. Learn to view the writing process more professionally and you'll start doing the right things. You always must proof your content so you can make necessary changes that will improve it. If you speed proof your blog posts, then you will overlook misspelled words. Just about everybody uses spell and grammar check software, well the funny thing is that it misses some things for interesting reasons. You've seen words that are out of context with the surrounding copy, and this is what we're trying to explain to you about relying too much on spelling checkers. If you use a word processor, then you have seen these little annoying things here and there. Spell check is great, I presume, but there is no substitute for doing things properly.

All of your content is potentially fair game for this, but people will almost expect it on your about page. So if you're wondering what to do, look at your audience because they're the ones who will set the tone. Obviously you will want to avoid offending the people you want to return to your blog and read. You really can make a big impact with your personality, and then you'll find out that there is a market audience for you.

Blogging is not really hard work, but it does take up some time and requires dedication. Generating steady and increasing money from your blog will not happen on its own. Revising and changing your content is a given, so don't let it get the best of you. Get in the habit of giving anything you write a little time, a day, before you make it live. Just try this and you will become a convert because it will turn out in a much improved way. It's just a fact that you'll look at it with different eyes, and you may even decide to can it and write something new.

When you make links, you'll need to decide about how it opens and what happens. To me it's far more of a hassle to have to navigate back to the main site I was just on. Some people have a thing about the back arrow button while other right click and hit back. There are other areas in usability that can be related to writing mistakes and this is one of those times. When you have links, in content, open in a new tab, then it's just a once click response to get back to the original page. Monitor your links with your analytics app and see how many people click on those links to begin with. You know that content matters to your users so keep a sharp eye on writing mistakes in the future. That is why it helps to have some kind of foundation about writing. It's possible to change your perspective and light the fire in your belly to reduce writing mistakes. Above all, stay positive about what you're doing and work at it each day.

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